Tired of not getting enough sleep?

Tired of not getting enough sleep?

People are always looking for new workouts, new exercises or new diets thinking that by adding in some ‘new’ thing they will be on their way to reaching their goal(s). What if I told you a common missing link is quality sleep? Most people know, on some level, that sleep is kind of a big deal. Yet, most people do not get enough quality sleep.

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7 reasons you are training with pain - and how to fix them [FREE guide].

7 reasons you are training with pain - and how to fix them [FREE guide].

If your training is not lifting you up and making you feel stronger and younger with more energy then something may be off with your training.

If you are typically more beat up and notice it is harder to lift weights as you did before then it is time for you to change your approach to training.

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Abs weak? Time for EBM’s Ab Week.

Abs weak? Time for EBM’s Ab Week.

There are so many distractions at home and unless you have a dedicated space and are good at blocking off specific times to train, home workouts get sabotaged real easy.

To that point, make sure you have an area that is designated to workout.

Block the time on your calendar just like any other appointment.

Barring emergencies, this is your time and it is not to be interrupted.

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FREE Home Workout Guide

FREE Home Workout Guide

Sometimes, getting to the gym just isn’t going to happen. Maybe there is an impromptu work function, some family-related outing or maybe a global pandemic literally shuts everything down.

No matter what the reason, being able to get good workouts in at home is an ace you want to have up your sleeve.

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How to exercise when traveling.

How to exercise when traveling.

Do you need a gym to exercise?

The short answer to that question is, no.

Going to a gym is nice because there is a large variety of equipment, lots of classes, social interaction and because misery loves company.  

But, all that equipment may be sweat-stained by that dude that doesn’t know how to wipe things down. And, to be honest, you will not use most of the pieces of equipment anyway. 

Sometimes people suck and having to be around them when you exercise just makes the whole experience worse. 

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Your poor balance is probably not a balance issue.

Your poor balance is probably not a balance issue.

Many of us know someone who seems to be a little more clumsy. Maybe they trip a lot, stumble often and sometimes even fall. Maybe I am describing you.

Occasionally losing your balance or stumbling here or there is not a balance problem.

Vertigo is a true balance disorder. Issues that involve the vestibular system (which is a fascinating system) are true balance disorders. These can be triggered by head, neck and eye movements and are often associated with nausea, dizziness and true loss of balance (LOB) which often results in a fall.

Balance is a difficult thing to quantify since it involves many systems and many variables. Your balance is maintained by a dynamic interplay between three systems in the body. In the ideal world, all three systems would work harmoniously together.

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Why steady-state cardio is dead.

Why steady-state cardio is dead.


  • Prolonged cardio takes too much time and ultimately slows your metabolism making it harder to lose weight.

  • Steady cardio is a muscle-wasting activity.

  • The repetitive nature of cardio invites injuries and impaired motor control.

  • You cannot out train (or out cardio for that matter) your eating habits. Change them, or else.

  • To avoid a plateau, your cardio needs to be more varied.

  • Continuous aerobic work plateaus after about 8 weeks.

  • The calories you burn during the workout don't matter than much and calorie burning stops shortly after the exercise is done.

  • There are some studies cited at the end of the article that highlight the ineffectiveness of traditional cardio. It is not just my opinion.

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How to stretch your hamstrings and not your sciatic nerve [video].
Exercise, Fitness, Physical therapy, Knee pain, Hamstrings Dr. Tom Biggart Exercise, Fitness, Physical therapy, Knee pain, Hamstrings Dr. Tom Biggart

How to stretch your hamstrings and not your sciatic nerve [video].

Most people stretching their hamstrings are really stretching their sciatic nerve. In general, nerves do not like it when you stretch them. The hamstring runs from the bottom of your butt to the back of the knee. Therefore, bending your spine to stretch the hamstrings makes no sense.

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Did I just make hamstring drops harder [video]?

Did I just make hamstring drops harder [video]?

Set up with your feet anchored under a dumbbell rack or other solid structure that will not move. Focus on bracing the abs, staying tall throughout the motion and not bending at the hips. Perform the hamstring drop with only one leg on the way down and both legs coming back up. Try to keep the emphasis on the hamstring, not the arms and shoulders. The upper body is definitely assisting the movement, but the hamstrings should be the focus. Enjoy.

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Brutal hamstring exercise [video].

Brutal hamstring exercise [video].

This will punch your hamstrings right in the mouth. Set up with both knees bent, feet flat on the ground with a slider under one of your feet. Lift the foot that is not on the slider off the floor. Perform a single-leg bridge with the other leg. Once at the top of the motion, straighten the knee by sliding the foot away from the body. When the knee is extended, keep the hips on the floor, bend the knee and start again with the single-leg bridge.

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Pullthroughs - a better way? [video]

Pullthroughs - a better way? [video]

This is a great alternative if using some attachment for the hands increases back pain or you find yourself pulling too much with the arms. Start by setting the pulley so it is around hip-height. Set the strap so it goes around the front of your hips. Set and brace your neutral spine position. Focus on keeping pressure through the heels and sitting back through the hips. To return to the start position, squeeze the glutes and push the hips forward. Avoid overextending the hips and straightening the body as this will cause you to lose your balance and fall back.

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Spiderman stretch [video].

Spiderman stretch [video].

This is an excellent movement for mobilizing and stretching the hips. Start with the first position and progress to the others as needed. Remember, focus on a mild-to-moderate intensity in the hip and glute area when performing these. Start in a pushup position. Bring one leg forward to the outside of the arm. In the second video, bend the elbow and try to get it as close to the floor as you can. In the third video, rotate the arm up towards the ceiling. Make sure to rotate the body, not just the arm. One way to help do this is to keep your eyes on your hand. The arm should not travel where the eyes cannot follow it.

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I will start Monday.

I will start Monday.

People think this idea is ludicrous just as much as they think Monday is the only day of the week to start their new plan.

First, Monday's carry no special significance. If you want to start something new or change something that needs changing, start now. Right now.

Stop telling yourself that you will start Monday when you spend the weekend doing the exact opposite of what you should be doing. Stop kidding yourself and start now.

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